The Screening Process

How we find what we like has changed. Not so long ago, to determine whether we enjoyed a specific musical group or movie, we did our own homework.

We didn’t go online to see what others thought of the newest music album by a popular artist or latest film by a favorite actor. There was no such thing as online. I’d doubt we’d have gone there if there had been.

We’d give a record album or film a try on our own.

Society ...

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When Fin Was In

There are a few movies that have a big and lasting impact on you. For a 13-year-old kid from Ashdown, Arkansas, one of those was Jaws; the story of a great white shark that ate people off the coast of New England.

But it wasn’t just kids from southwest Arkansas who went to see that movie. For that matter, it wasn’t just kids. Everyone in the world, just about, went to see Jaws.

It was 1975, and no one had seen anything ...

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