Junkers and Junkets

It’s true that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. And my family liked to go treasure hunting. Often.

You don’t realize how great it is to be a kid in a family that goes to garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, and auctions, until you spend the weekend with a buddy whose family doesn’t do those things.

Regular families are more like my buddy’s. I’m glad my family wasn’t regular.

By the age of 12, I bet that I knew about as ...

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On The Road Again

We often hear someone say they just want to leave the world a better place than they found it. That’s a great goal, but rarely is it the case.

Unless you were Charles Kuralt.

For those of us who grew up during his time on the CBS News segment, On The Road, we had a frequent reminder that all news wasn’t bad. For a country boy in Arkansas, it was a pretty good feeling to see Kuralt do a segment on an ...

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The Walking Dad

It’s obvious I have to wait to die until after everyone else in my house. Otherwise, every light will be left on for all eternity.

My dad used to say that I could leave on all of the lights whenever I started paying the bills.

That time has long since arrived.

There’s a clarity that’s bestowed upon you once you’re responsible for paying the bills. Clarity that eludes, even avoids, you before the utility and other statements start showing up in the mailbox ...

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A Small Town

You learn things when you grow up in a small town. Things you don’t learn if you grow up anywhere else. Things that are special.

I was born in a small town. But I didn’t stay. I left for the same reasons other folks leave their hometown. Education, better jobs, and the perception of more fun.

You don’t think about what you give up when you leave a small town. Things that cost nothing, but are worth a lot.

Ashdown, Arkansas, was like ...

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Let It Snow

It didn’t snow much in Ashdown, Arkansas in the 1960s. It doesn’t snow there much now. But when it did, and when it does, kids there know exactly what to do.

Beg their moms to make snow ice cream.

It was my mother who showed my sister and me that you could make ice cream out of snow. That may have been one of the biggest regrets of our mom’s life. Every winter snowfall until we left home, we begged her to ...

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Clause For Alarm

As a kid, I thought that every family did exactly the same things ours did. That included what and how we did Christmas.

Turned out, there were two ways to approach collecting your loot. That is to say, seeing what Santa brought. One, which was more traditional, was waiting until Christmas morning like they do in the movies.

The other was having all of the festivities on Christmas Eve.

I truly felt sorry for the kids who had to wait until Christmas morning, ...

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Over The River

When you first learn to drive, there are a few things that are, shall we say, intimidating.

For me, there was parallel parking and changing lanes at high speeds. Both of which were challenging in a 1971 Buick Electra 225 Limited, which was one of Detroit’s longer offerings. Seemed to be the length of a Greyhound Bus and almost required an airport tarmac to turn it around.

Driving from my hometown of Ashdown, Arkansas, to the twin cities of Texarkana, Arkansas and ...

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The Lunchroom Ladies

It’s time the lunchroom ladies got their due.

At Burke Street Elementary in Ashdown, Arkansas, (and later at Ashdown High School) the kids in my grade were respectful of all adults. But just like at home, we sometimes complained about the food. Especially the food in the lunchroom.

Now, part of that had to do with the fact that my mom is a fabulous cook. She could cook a potato 50 different ways from Sunday. It made me a connoisseur of the ...

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A Thousand Words

The late comedian Norm McDonald once joked about how just a century and a half ago, our great grandfather was lucky if he had one photo of himself.

With the advent of cell phones, Norm pointed out that a century and a half from now, people would proudly offer to show off a million photos of their great grandfather.

It’s funny because it’s true.

Those who didn’t grow up with an actual camera, film, and scrapbooks full of photos really have missed out ...

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Home Sweet Home

The ownership we feel for places we have lived seems absolute. Any house we’ve called home was ours. No one else’s. Even if several others lived in it before or after we did.

Such was the case of the house on Beech Street where my family lived in the 60s and early 70s in Ashdown, Arkansas.

I’ve written of that house more than once in this space. Each time I did, it never crossed my mind that a reader would reach out ...

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