Let’s Get Back To Work

I had been sitting in the airport for what seemed like forever.

It was just after they announced her plane’s third delay that I noticed him swinging his mop back and forth across the marble floor.

He looked to be in his late 60’s and he took his job seriously. It was a level of seriousness that I hadn’t seen in a long time. He liked his work and took pride in it.

As a child, I remember most adults being nice and ...

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The Junk Drawer Project

Every home has a random junk drawer.

Just as the accounting profession has a miscellaneous cost center, every home has a miscellaneous drawer. Or, as I’ve always called it, a random junk drawer.

Ours is in the kitchen. Actually, it’s two drawers since all of the random items that we can’t bring ourselves to toss won’t fit into just one.

I was about to toss a clothespin into the larger drawer, when I realized just how much stuff was in there.

An inventory of ...

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Why Can’t I Just Eat What I Want?

Everything I like is bad for me.

When you’re a kid, grownups give you candy and cookies and ice cream. When you get older, people younger than you try to take all that away.

My doctor tells me the same thing every time we visit.

“You need to lose about 25 pounds, watch the fat and sugar intake, and let’s see if we can get this cholesterol under control. I want to see you again in six months. That’ll be $100.”

I’m considering mailing ...

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You Can Get Blood From A Guy Who’s A Turn Up

I volunteered just to get out of class.

It was 1980 and I was a senior in Arkansas at Ashdown High School. One spring day, the bloodmobile came to our campus and our third period teacher announced that anyone who wanted to help those in the hospital could donate.

Like most 17-year-olds, I was more interested in what was in it for me rather than for people I didn’t know who were in a hospital.

So, I raised my hand, got up and ...

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True Friendships Never Age

There are only a few real friends we have in life. We may have hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, but real friends, we only have a few.

While fulfilling my civic obligation at jury duty this week, my phone vibrated. I was sitting there watching people give the judge their excuses on why they should be allowed to go home, so I welcomed the interruption.

I looked down and saw that it was a text from a high school buddy. In ...

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Setting A New Record

Vinyl records are making a comeback.

What was written off for dead 25 years ago is now the only segment of the music business that’s showing an increase in hard copy sales.

The website marketplace.org recently featured a story on the subject. It states that record album sales in 2013 had grown to 6 million, and that number is expected to increase this year.

With the last new vinyl record press going online in 1982, why has this happened? The answer is young people.

Even ...

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What’s In A Name?

Turns out, a lot.

Most of us are given three names when we are born. Our first name is the one most often used to address us, and our last name is normally handed down through our father’s side of the family. Our middle name can be another family member’s name or completely random. Some people don’t have a middle name.

So, how did we all go from having one name, to more than one? Well, it’s complicated and varies, depending on ...

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We Went To A Fancy Restaurant

My wife and I don’t eat out often, but when we do, we treat ourselves to a nice meal. This time, we tried somewhere fancy. And the restaurant we visited had more wait staff dedicated to us than Wal Mart has employees.

There were two valets, our maitre’ d, three greeting girls, our waiter, a beverage waiter, a bread girl, a guy whose only job seemed to be refilling our water glasses, and another girl who just walked from place to ...

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We’re All Spoiled

Just as the temps finally decided to creep near 100 degrees for the first time this summer, the air conditioning in my car quit.

As I drove along with all of the windows down, I had an epiphany.

Suddenly, I became aware of things I hadn’t noticed in 35 years. Things you can’t notice with the windows up and the AC blowing.

I could hear the sounds of birds, dogs, the road noise, and the feeling of the hot ...

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Men Stink at Romance

Valentine’s Day in elementary school was, for most of us, the first opportunity to express feelings for someone of the opposite sex.

They weren’t real feelings of love of course, but they were the first expressions that helped us to understand that maybe we could overlook the cooties about which we’d been warned.

Sadly, most men still think a card for Valentine’s Day, her birthday or Mother’s Day, is all it takes to make a woman happy.

Women have dozens of triggers for ...

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