Who’ll Stop The Rain?

Back in 2011, it didn’t rain. It didn’t rain for a long, long time. It didn’t rain for so long that fires began to pop up where I live.

One of them popped up near where our oldest son lived, which also wasn’t very far from where we live.

It reminded me of the extremely delicate balance that’s required for all of us to live what we consider a ‘normal’ life. Our normal life was upended and replaced by fear.

I prayed that ...

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“Who New?” Podcast 1 with John Moore – Actor Advait Ghuge

“Who New?” is a podcast featuring regular people.

During my 25 years in broadcasting, I learned that quite often, the average people I met had more interesting life stories than the celebrities I interviewed.

That’s the idea behind this podcast. I’ll carry my recording gear around with me, and if I meet someone interesting, I’ll ask them to do a podcast. If they agree, you’ll hear it here.

Not to say someone famous won’t appear here, but my goal is to highlight individuals ...

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Everything’s Going To Pot – Podcast Included

I’m fairly certain that I’m the only guy on my street who got an Instant Pot for Christmas.

At least the only guy who got a Pioneer Woman Instant Pot. With flowers painted on it. Really flowery flowers.

Now, before you assume that when Santa dropped it off, he also picked up my Man Card, let me explain.

I am a sucker for kitchen gadgets. And, the Pioneer Woman ran a small bit about my momma’s cast iron skillet in her magazine last ...

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Realistic Resolutions – Podcast Included

resolution (rĕzˌə-lo͞oˈshən) 

  • n. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
  • n. A resolving to do something.
  • n. A course of action determined or decided on.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

About half of Americans say they make a New Year’s resolution. But, a Forbes online article published this week said that 8 out of 10 of us will give up on it within the first few weeks of making it.

That’s just about everyone.

I’m not sure who the ...

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Good, For Goodness Sake – Podcast Included

When I was a kid, Santa always got more active in the months leading up to Christmas.

Starting around October each year, if I acted up, the adults would say, “Santa is watching you!” 
It was as if Santa hibernated for the first three quarters of the year.
I could act up in March and just get a spanking.
No mention of Santa.
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A Christmas Story Story

Of all of the movies that came out in 1983, it ranked #39 in ticket sales. That was ahead of Amityville 3-D, The Smurfs and the Magic Flute, and Smokey and The Bandit III – but behind Porky’s II: The Next Day, Breathless, and the number one movie of the year – Return of The Jedi.

It’s likely that of all of the movies I just listed, you probably only remember two of them: Return of The Jedi – part of ...

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Who Are You?

My wife and I were watching the TV show “Blue Bloods,” and there was an episode where Tom Selleck’s character, who is the police chief of New York City, was asked by an injured officer on the force to investigate an incident with his son.

The dad had been shot in the line of duty and was not going to be allowed to return. He had asked for his son to be offered his position, but that had not happened.

The dad ...

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Is That Your Vinyl Answer?

Someone on Facebook recently posed the question, “What was the first record you ever bought?” I immediately remembered what it was.

It was a record by The Osmonds called, “Crazy Horses.” I saw it in a wire display rack at the Shurway Grocery Store in Ashdown, Arkansas, and it was .67 cents.

The reason I remember the cost is because someone had stamped the price on the record sleeve with one of those ink pricers that they used to use to put ...

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Leftover Leftovers

“It’s a leftover. What a sad word that is. Leftover. How would you like to be… a leftover? Well, it wouldn’t be bad if they were taking people out to be shot. I might even volunteer.” – George Carlin


Right about now, each of us is on roughly our third idea for how to do something different with all of the leftovers from Thanksgiving. We’ve eaten our fourth turkey sandwich, maybe tried to make turkey salad out of it, and the ...

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