Saying Goodbye To A Major Appliance

You know you’ve been married a long time when getting a major appliance is the highlight of the week for both of you.

With the joy of a new dishwasher also came a little sadness. The old one had to go.

It sounds ridiculous, but our things become part of the family. Not so long ago, I watched as a rep at the cell phone store turned off my phone to activate a newer model I’d bought.

As I watched, I felt like ...

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All Strung Out

Thanksgiving weekend is a special one for husbands. We put up Christmas decorations under the direction of our wives.

There are many things no one tells you before you get married, but one of the best kept secrets that women successfully hide from men is the mandatory hanging of the Christmas decorations.

While single men across the nation ring in the holiday season watching sports in their underwear, married men bundle up, put on their mountain climbing gear and hang from the ...

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1,000 Channels and Nothing on TV

This will be hard for some to believe, but once upon a time, TV was free.

Sometimes, I think about what it was like before we had a thousand TV channels.

It makes me recall when three little channels used to offer a heck of a lot more to watch.

I can remember the first time I saw HBO. This was the late 1970s, and it was truly amazing to see a TV channel in someone’s home that played uninterrupted movies. I can ...

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Can You Name All of The Cars You’ve Owned?

How many cars have you owned?

By my count, I’ve owned or co-owned 23 automobiles. That’s in 38 years of driving, so that’s a different vehicle about every year and a half.

Yes, I’m a car nut.

However, I didn’t change vehicles every year and a half. Some I owned for as long as 10 years. I’ve also owned as many as five at a time.

The 23 doesn’t count the vehicles I drove before I had a car that was actually mine. I ...

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Admit It. Some Holiday Recipes Are Just Awful

Every family has a recipe that no one likes, but no one’s willing to admit it.

So, what’s the recipe in your family that sends shivers up your spine whenever you find out it’s being served?

With the holidays fast approaching, I began to think about the joys of holiday feasting. Which then made me think about all of the family gatherings, which then made me think of the inevitable dish of Jell-O with fruit in it.

I’ve always hated Jell-O. Even Bill ...

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Cats Are Smarter Than Dogs

You can name a cat whatever you’d like, but they all think their name is “Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty”.

Cat owners and dog owners are equally passionate about their chosen pet, but since I own one of each, I feel qualified to make the observation that cats are smarter than dogs.

Oh, sure, you can train a dog to answer to their given name, catch a Frisbee, fetch a paper, slippers and other such things, but cats have managed to train people.

Think ...

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Let’s Get Back To Work

I had been sitting in the airport for what seemed like forever.

It was just after they announced her plane’s third delay that I noticed him swinging his mop back and forth across the marble floor.

He looked to be in his late 60’s and he took his job seriously. It was a level of seriousness that I hadn’t seen in a long time. He liked his work and took pride in it.

As a child, I remember most adults being nice and ...

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The Junk Drawer Project

Every home has a random junk drawer.

Just as the accounting profession has a miscellaneous cost center, every home has a miscellaneous drawer. Or, as I’ve always called it, a random junk drawer.

Ours is in the kitchen. Actually, it’s two drawers since all of the random items that we can’t bring ourselves to toss won’t fit into just one.

I was about to toss a clothespin into the larger drawer, when I realized just how much stuff was in there.

An inventory of ...

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Why Can’t I Just Eat What I Want?

Everything I like is bad for me.

When you’re a kid, grownups give you candy and cookies and ice cream. When you get older, people younger than you try to take all that away.

My doctor tells me the same thing every time we visit.

“You need to lose about 25 pounds, watch the fat and sugar intake, and let’s see if we can get this cholesterol under control. I want to see you again in six months. That’ll be $100.”

I’m considering mailing ...

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You Can Get Blood From A Guy Who’s A Turn Up

I volunteered just to get out of class.

It was 1980 and I was a senior in Arkansas at Ashdown High School. One spring day, the bloodmobile came to our campus and our third period teacher announced that anyone who wanted to help those in the hospital could donate.

Like most 17-year-olds, I was more interested in what was in it for me rather than for people I didn’t know who were in a hospital.

So, I raised my hand, got up and ...

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